About Us

Advanced Engineering Services (AES) is headquartered in California, with technical centers in Bangalore and Chennai (India). We are an Engineering Design & Analysis company that has helped our clients in the fields of Computer-Aided Simulations, New Product Development, and Automation Tool Design & Build to achieve their business efficiency.

About Us

Our CAE-Driven Product Development Department offers virtual simulation and testing for customer products, utilizing extensive experience in FEA, CFD, Multiphysics, and Thermal Management. We employ cutting-edge methods and best engineering practices to ensure that simulation findings closely match test data accuracy.

Our Product Development Department offers end-to-end solutions from concept to production, specializing in market research, industrial design, engineering, prototyping, testing, and production support. Our focus is on user experience, ergonomics, functionality, and cost-effectiveness.

Our Automation Tool Design and Build Department specializes in designing and building custom automation tools and systems. Our services include design, prototyping, assembly, PLC controls, integration, installation, and test validation. We excel at transforming manual processes into fully or semi-automated systems, optimizing for manufacturability, cost, throughput, and ROI. We are available to discuss your requirements in detail and showcase our expertise in finding the right solutions for your needs during a meeting.

Additionally we have expertise in disruptive technology spaces such as Industry 5.0, Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, AR/VR, IOT, Collaborative Robots, Factory Digitization etc.

AES value-add and benefits to their customers are

    • Time savings because of Onshore Offshore 24/7 Work cycle and support
    • Accelerate Design, Analysis and Integration projects
    • Reduced Design cost and NO overhead for the customer
    • Customers have full access to AES global existing infrastructure (Manpower, Hardware and Software)
    • AES supports customer to take care of their peak and valley loads and resource management
    • AES establishes Dedicated Design and R&D center on need basis
    • Complete Integration and Automation Tool Design and Build